Supporting pregnancy loss prevention
New official UK medical guidance* recommends vaginal progesterone to reduce miscarriages
“Micronised vaginal progesterone treatment can therefore be considered for asymptomatic women with recurrent miscarriage, and is likely to be more effective in women with a high number of previous miscarriages”
Supporting IVF treatment
“Having gone through numerous IVF cycles – involving no end of injections and leaky suppositories – I know firsthand about the vital need for a better and patient-friendlier way of progesterone administration.”
subcutaneous injections are painful and expensive
“65.9% of patients found injections painful”
“I would have given anything to have an alternative to the 400 injections I had to self-administer over a period of just a few months”
Vaginal pessaries are uncomfortable and inconvenient, as once melted they leak out
“Although vaginal suppositories are easier to tolerate, the suppository material may escape from the vagina, leading to inconvenience and uncertainty as to the dosage of progesterone absorbed”