

Team member Ewa at work


Calla Lily Clinical Care' semi-automated machinery



“Callavid will be unbelievably popular with miscarriage patients as pessary leakage is the most frequent complaint, causing significant anxiety. The benefits of reducing psychological trauma, anxiety and depression are badly needed.”

Professor Siobhan Quenby
Director Biomedical Research Unit in Reproductive Health,
Professor of Obstetrics University of Warwick,
Deputy Director Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research,
Calla Lily Clinical Care Medical Advisor

The vagina’s huge medical potential has gone untapped, but not for much longer

“Calla Lily has developed a new leak-free vaginal drug delivery platform. It's simple to use (essential when patients have to administer medications themselves) and also helps to alleviate dosage anxiety and other stresses”

“多亏了英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所(NICE)的新流产管理指南,我们现在第一次有推荐的药物 来帮助减少流产的发生率:阴道给药微粉化黄体酮。嘉乐丽临床护理的新设备解决了 患者阴道给药黄体酮治疗中 渗漏和不便等问题。”

Stuart Lavery 医生

“This novel platform is of great benefit to anyone using a vaginally-delivered medication. By addressing the major issue of leakage, women can be assured the device delivers the correct dose in a convenient, tidy and less invasive fashion. It is truly a transformative device.”

Dr Kelle Moley
Former Deputy Director of Reproductive Health Technologies
at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
Calla Lily Clinical Care Medical Advisor
