It was a busy start to kick-off Europe’s biggest dedicated healthcare investment week by taking part in the LSX – partnering for Life Science eXecutives Investival Showcase here in London. Always a privilege to be able to share Calla Lily Clinical Care‘s exciting progress with our drug delivery technology and to meet with several new …
We had a brilliant time attending the Women’s Health Innovation Series Summit in Boston 🇺🇸 – we learned, engaged and got inspired by other passionate advocates dedicated to improving women’s health. And it was great to share CLCC’s progress and to connect with more potential partners and collaborators with our #drugdelivery platform for #fertility #menopause …
It was an exciting start to London Tech Week 2023 by taking part in FemTech Lab’s Decoding The Future of Women Summit. Always a privilege to be able to share Calla Lily Clinical Care’s exciting progress with our technology and to discuss trends & observations about the future of femtech with such an esteemed panel.
We’ve just come back from an exceptional MedFemTech Congress in Paris and have been awarded one of the best startups! During the 2-day event 40 ground-breaking womens health startups pitched their innovations in front of hundreds of medical professionals (physicians/clinics/academia/industry) who voted for their top 3. Together with a vision-AI diagnostic and cervical cancer treatment …