Attending the FemTech Forward 2024 Conference

Team members Thang Vo-Ta and Kaylie Mings represented Calla Lily at the FemTech Conference held at University of Oxford. Besides Thang’s presentation on the progress of our Callavid drug delivery & Lilyvid sample collection technologies, there were also more personal sharings with the wider community at an innovation showcase held in the observatory building of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford.

Highlights for the day’s events included Dr Helen O’Neill talk on Hertility and building predictive diagnosis models for reproductive health, professor Christian Becker’s discussion on endometriosis and fertility preservation, Tori Ford’s highlighting of the disparity between men’s and women’s healthcare experiences, Tatjana Gibbons’s promising initial studies on a novel detection of endometriosis, Dr. Sioned Fôn Jones and her company BoobyBiome’s innovative products, an engaging future of FemTech panel with Victoria Armstrong, Kate Nikityuk and Suzaan Sauerman, and a great end to the presentations with Denise Lievesley.

🙏 Thank you to Christiane Hagel and the rest of the Oxford FemTech Society for a wonderful day and for highlighting those committed to drive meaningful change in womens health and wellness.

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