Dr. Emma Parry Joins as a Zinc NIHR Innovation Fellow

We’re delighted to welcome Dr. Emma Parry to our team as a Zinc NIHR Innovation Fellow! Emma brings invaluable expertise from her role as a clinical GP in Birmingham and as an academic GP at Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust.

As we continue developing our patient-centric vaginal drug delivery system, Emma will play a key role in ensuring we regularly gather crucial feedback and insights from patients with lived experiences of IVF and miscarriage. Her passion for educating GP trainees and championing research in primary care will also help us strengthen our PPIE (Public Patient Involvement and Engagement) efforts, ensuring our collaboration with specialists, clinicians, charities, and patient groups guides us forward.

A very special thanks to Zinc, NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research), and The Dunhill Medical Trust for including us as a host for this year’s cohort

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